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Hi. My name is Brandon. I thought about making a fancy designer landing page. I could, but that's not really me. I don't really lean towards frontend problems, I am not that creative when it comes to visual design. I only occasionally have a good idea. I prefer system design and data modeling schemas. So, here is my site built on a pretty straight forward documentation builder call mkdocs. Hey at least I am using a Material design theme, that's modern design right?

This site.

I plan on using this site for self expression. I plan on writing a fair amount about my experiences. Whether that is with work, hobbies, or media I consume. I find journaling an interesting activity. I have taken it to extremes in the past. Trying to capture every detail of the day. Generating an intricate rating systems for every aspect of health. I still find that information interesting. I want to find easier ways to capture the data. I am prone to burn myself out in my own interests. This will be a more chill attempt. I also have this sci-fi fantasy that the more I record about myself the more likely I will be simulated in some future super-computer and resurrected.



I choose these topics because they dominate most of my day. Work should be pretty straight forward. I have worked on some pretty cool projects and learned a ton. Teaching others is important to me, not just because I enjoy seeing others grow, but I also learn a ton myself. I think this could be an interesting way to network as well. Find me on GitHub, it has none of my actual work all of that is on company git instances. I will write about it as much as I can. I will share code when I can. Always open to feedback, if you have any input shoot me a pull-request (PR). If you don't understand what a PR is cool, I plan on writing an article on it. Otherwise google is great.


For hobbies I will focus on the things I enjoy doing. For example Basketball, I enjoy playing and watching. I will probably only talk about the NBA. No one should be forced to watch me play. For chess, I will probably share my handle and any fun games I find. I am not that great, but I enjoy playing. I am also thinking about writing a script to scrape my rating and update it periodically. I am cheap and don't feel like paying for a backend. Random side projects I think may be interesting to share will also come up here.


Media could have fit within hobbies. I think media will be interesting to separate out. They will often be about something I may not be making. I consume a fair about of YouTube, I think it my be interesting to capture my thoughts on channels, I enjoy. I also read a fair amount. Often times finding I have forgotten most of the book after a few months. I think this will be a good space to capture my thoughts on the books I am reading. I have a personal goal to read 2 technical or leadership books a month.


Always open to feedback. Feel free to send me a PR with any kind of correction. I am sure I will link my other socials somehow. Ping me on what ever you find easiest to use.